Georgia ARES holds a weekly training and information net on 3.975 MHz LSB, every Sunday afternoon at 22:00 UTC (5:00 PM local time during Eastern Standard Time (winter) and 6:00 PM local time during Eastern Daylight Time (summer)).
The net control station rotates among stations around the Section and is coordinated by the ARES Net Manager(see below).
Emergency nets, either SKYWARN or other emergency situations, can be activated at any time when the need arises. These Emergency nets can only be activated by the Section Emergency Coordinator(SEC), one of the District Emergency Coordinators(DEC's), or as directed by an Emergency Coordinator(EC) depending on the need.
Net operation procedures and preambles can be found in the document NET 1-3 Net Control Stations .
If you are scheduled to conduct a net as the Net Control Station (NCS), but are unable to take your turn, please arrange for an alternate to act as NCS in your place . If no alternate can be found, contact the ARES Net Manager Charles Pennington, K4GK (k4gk at arrl dot net).
Following the net, please send an email to the ARES Net Manager Charles Pennington(k4gk at arrl dot net), ARRL SM Gene Clark (w4ayk at arrl dot net ) or ARES SEC David Benoist(ag4zr at arrl dot net) indicating the number of stations checking directly into the net, the number of stations relayed from local nets, the duration of the net, and the number and types of traffic handled. Mail reports to (k4gk at arrl dot net, w4ayk at arrl dot net). If there are additions or corrections to net scripts they should also be forwarded to the ARES Net Manager (k4gk at arrl dot net).
Revised: July 24, 2010