If you want to get through the registration process properly, then read this FIRST.
If you do not want or care about receiving a certificate of training for any of the training classes at the January 13th State ARES meeting, skip to step 3 below. >>Important Note: Some ARES EMComm positions and credentialing requires that you show proof of training. Some of these training classes are required to meet training and credentialing requirements.
If you want to receive a certificate of training from GEMA for the training classes at the January 13th State ARES meeting, you must complete steps 1, 2, and 3 below.
If you have NOT previously registered with the GEMA GPSTC training center before, go to this link and register yourself. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY COMPLETED THE FIRST-TIME REGISTRATION, GOTO STEP 2.
Go to this link and register for the blanket ARES training for January 13th 2018.
Note that this is a single registration entry for ALL training classes for the GEMA training system. You will register for individual classes in STEP 3.
Once you are registered in the GEMA TRS, you can sign up for any GEMA class. That said, you are always placed on a waiting list since GEMA will prioritize who is accepted to the available seats for any given class. This is just how their system works. Since ARES 100 has virtually unlimited seats, you will eventually (usually in about a week) be approved for the class. Approval is not necessary for you to sign up for classes at the TRAINING site.
Read the following Notes, then Go back to this link TRAINING to register for the individual training classes.
Note: Some classrooms have a limit of 30 students. Auditorium or conference rooms have greater seating capacity. When the limits for the smaller classrooms have been reached, that training class will be locked out and will not accept further registration. Attendance will be taken against the class roster before classes begin.
Note: As you select a training class for a given time period, other classes that occur at the same time or that overlap in time period are removed from view and cannot be selected. If you do not see a class available for selection (as listed in the schedule at the top of the page), it may be that a class you have already selected conflicts with that class time period. You can "Clear Selection" a class for a given time period to re-display all of the classes available for that time period. If a rado button is disabled (grayed out and not selectable), the class is full.